Foundation of Physical Education


Foundation of Physical Education

 BSc PHS., Bachelor of Science in Physical Education, Health Education & Sports

 (Study Material – Student Copy)


Unit 1: Introduction of education and physical education 1.1 Meaning and definition of education 1.2 Meaning and definition of physical education 1.3 Meaning of Physical training and physical culture 1.4 Aims and objectives of physical education 1.5 Development of physical, mental, social, emotional aspects and neuromuscular co-ordination

 Unit 2: Allied Sciences contribution 2.1 Contribution of allied science – Anatomy 2.2 Contribution of allied science - Physiology 2.3 Contribution of allied science - Psychology 2.4 Contribution of allied science – Kinesiology and biomechanics 2.5 Contribution of allied science - Anthropometry

Unit 3: History of physical education and ancient festivals 3.1 History of physical education in Sparta 3.2 History of physical education in Athens 3.3 Pan – Hellenic festivals. 3.4 Turnvere in movement 3.5 lingiad festivals

 Unit 4: Olympics 4.1 Ancient Olympics Games – Origin, Organization and conduct of the game. 4.2 Modern Olympics Games – Origin, Organization and conduct of the game. 4.3 Olympic flag, torch, oath and emblem 4.4 Olympic motto 4.5 Marathon race

Unit 5: Tournaments, Awards, Coaching schemes, Association and Federations of all games. 5.1 Y.M.C.A. and its contribution 5.2 National coaching scheme – SAI, Recent developments in India 5.4 International – National, Asian Games, SAF-SGFI Women Sports Festival 5.5 State Level -RDS, BDS & Khelo India 5.6 Awards and Scholarships-Arjuna Award, Dhronochariya Award, Rajiv Gandhi Khel Rathna Award, Maulana Abul Kalam Azad Trophy


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